d , :( happy anny sorry pasal semalam seriously i didnt mean nak kecikkan hati you , hm pardon me, i know my fault . i love you more than you know .haih sigh" how long we have to stay like this ? am i the only one whos tryna fix this relation ? am i hopeless ? i try to stand on my own but i fall . why ? chus i cant stand w'out you .im not strong enough chus you're my strength . i need you d . i bet kite pon dah tawar hati on each other but we still go on .dont you ever feel tired chus be with me ? dont you ever feel regret to know me ? hm i dont know d . it just love make us blind .
bile kite sayang orang tuh mesti kite jage hati orang tuh kan ? tapi kadang² kita takdapat kawal perasaan kita sampai kita sakiti orang yang kita sayang . tapi orang tuh tak faham keadaan kita . bila kita sakiti orang yang kita sayang sama seperti kita sakiti diri kita sandiri kan ?as christina aguilera said 'i hurt myself by hurtin'g you